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Sending Email

ParentEve is capable of sending emails via many different types of email system, which can often be an easier, cheaper and quicker than sending out printed sheets of paper.

Defining Email Addresses

Email addresses can be defined against both teachers and parents. In the vast majority of cases, the email address can simply be included as a field in the export file from your management system and imported automatically during a normal import (for an example see Import Teachers). However, it is also possible to set the email address manually by editing the person in question (see Defining Teachers Manually).

Configuring the Email Server

ParentEve does not send out emails onto the open Internet itself; instead, it relies on an email server to send its emails. In order to do this, ParentEve must know how to contact your school's email server and how to talk to it. To tell ParentEve about your email server, select the "Edit Email Server" option in the "Edit" menu. The following window will open: Most of the time you will simply enter values in here that have been given to you by your network administrator, and you can safely skip this section of the user guide. However, if you are involved in the more technical side of your school's email system, the fields should be configured as follows:

Previewing Emails

Before you send emails, it is helpful to preview them first in order to make sure that the contents are correct. In order to do this, right-click on a person in the tree on the left-hand side of the main window. A menu will pop up, and you can select "Preview Email" to see the email that will be sent.

Calendar Attachments

If you have ParentEve Pro, the email will also contain a calendar attachment which will appear as a block of encoded information at the end. Most popular email systems support calendar attachments, for example:

Teachers who receive emails from ParentEve will be automatically prompted to add the parents evening to their school calendar, and parents receiving the emails on their phones will be able to add the parents evening to their personal schedule with a single tap.

Sending Emails

To send emails, select the "Send Emails" menu item in the "File" menu. The following window will appear: This window always comes up before doing an email run, so that you can check everything is OK and tell ParentEve what you want to email. If you untick the box saying "Resend emails that have been sent previously", ParentEve will only send emails to people who were not included on a previous email run; this is useful for people who have been added to the schedule at the last minute. Once you click "OK", ParentEve will produce and then send all outstanding emails using the settings you entered. The "Edit Email Server" button allows you to edit the email server's connection settings as described in the previous section (Configuring the Email Server).

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